
9 products that will make you more comfy, productive and healthy while working from home

@victoriiabulyha | Twenty20

Millions of Americans have been working from home for months, and with Covid-19 cases rising in many states, there is no clear end in sight. Other companies have even promised to stay remote permanently.

So if you've decided it's time to invest in improving your home office setup, here are nine products — from ergonomic tools to a cold brew coffee-maker — that will make your WFH days more comfortable. 

Under-the-desk mini-bike

Courtesy of JKRED.

If you find yourself pacing around your space during conference calls, consider this JKRED Mini Exercise Bike for $36.99. It fits under your desk and allows you to pedal with resistance as you work.

Natural light lamp

Courtesy of Bed Bath & Beyond.

Lots of time spent inside might mean you're getting less exposure to sunlight. This portable Verilux Happy Light Liberty 5K Natural Spectrum Energy Lamp for $39.99 is designed to mimic natural outdoor sunlight, so you feel energized. Using light boxes like this one for 20 to 30 minutes a day has been shown to help with sleep and seasonal depression.

Fold-away desk

Courtesy of Wayfair.

If you are short on space — or would just like to pack away your desk for work-life boundaries — the Murphy bed of desks, the Zipcode Design Andersonville Floating Desk for $235.99 — mounts to the wall and unfolds into a desk with shelves, organizers and a bulletin board.

Webcam cover

Courtesy of C-Slide.

Between video conference calls and Zoom happy hours, you're probably using your webcam a lot. But this $5.95 C-Slide Webcam Cover (which sticks to your laptop with safe adhesive) covers the camera when not in use to prevent accidental broadcasting. Plus, cybersecurity experts say it's a good idea to cover your webcam so hackers can't access the camera remotely and spy on you.

Seat pillow

Courtesy of Everlast.

Make any chair more suitable for all-day sitting with the Everlasting Comfort Seat Cushion, which molds to your seat and can improve your posture. At $32.95, it's cheaper than investing in an office chair. 

Cold brew maker

Courtesy of OXO.

Missing your commute cold brew? This OXO Cold Brew Coffee Maker steeps ground coffee in the upper compartment overnight, so all you have to do is flip the switch for strong, fresh cold brew in the morning. At $49.99, it's about the cost of two weeks of cold brew from a barista.

Adjustable laptop desk on wheels

Courtesy of Target.

When working from home, it's crucial to vary your posture throughout the day to avoid back, neck and shoulder pain. An Adjustable Mobile Laptop Desk for $58.99 that you can wheel around to different areas of your home and turn into a standing desk with a simple lever can help with that. Plus, studies suggest that even a small change of scenery can be enough to boost your mood.

Active footrest

Courtesy of Strongtek.

Many people are exercising less than normal, and less physical activity can make you feel antsier while you sit at your desk and work. This StrongTek Desk Footrest for $38.95 has a curved bottom so you can rock your feet back and forth while you sit or stand. This small adjustment can help you feel more comfortable. And similar to other "fidget" tools, the simple rocking motion in your feet can serve as an outlet for your energy, and help you focus on whatever task is at hand.

Productivity timer

Courtesy of Amazon.

When the days feel like they're morphing into one, time management is more important than ever. Place this Znewtech Home & Office Timer for $18.99 on one of its sides to set the timer, or keep it face up to read the time. Whether you're taking a meditation break or using the Pomodoro Technique, this chic device can keep you on track. 

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