
Tony Robbins says these are the 2 books you should read this summer

The 10-minute morning routine that Tony Robbins uses to stay grateful
The 10-minute morning routine that Tony Robbins uses to stay grateful

Life and business strategist Tony Robbins doesn't just write bestsellers, he's also a voracious reader.

"I like big books," he tells CNBC. While Robbins favors tomes on a variety of topics, he suggests these two in particular to anyone who's looking to be more successful, gain perspective and find motivation and meaning.

"Tools of the Titans" by Tim Ferriss

Released at the end of 2016, "Tools of the Titans" draws on Ferriss' interviews with more than 200 top performers — from celebrities to athletes to scientists — and focuses what, specifically, makes them successful. Ferriss says he has road-tested these lessons in his own life and that they've "made me millions of dollars and saved me years of wasted effort and frustration."

Robbins is a fan. "It's the best of his interviews with some of the smartest people in the world, and I got thrown in there too," Robbins jokes. "I think you'll enjoy it."

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Tony Robbins identifies the trait Branson, Jobs and Gates have in common

"What I loved about 'Tools of Titans' is that it distills key tactics, routines and habits of the ultra-successful in actionable ways that anyone can take advantage of," Robbins says.

"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl

A perennial favorite of Robbins', "Man's Search for Meaning" provides lessons from psychiatrist Victor Frankl, who survived imprisonment in Nazi concentration camps and lost his family during the Holocaust.

In reflecting on his own life and the experiences of his patients, Frankl writes that suffering cannot be avoided and must be faced head-on. He argues that a human being's primary motivation is not the search for pleasure but the search for meaning.

Carlo Allegri For The Washington Post | Getty Images

Robbins recommends Frankl's book for anyone, particularly those facing personal challenges, as a source of wisdom and also perspective.

"He survived all that to come back and show us that no matter what you're facing in life, the power is finding an empowering meaning, and when you do that there's nothing in life that can stop you," Robbins tells CNBC.

"He certainly proved it in Auschwitz, but I think it's worthy of anyone following — and when you read a story like that you realize you have no problems."

Robbins adds that he'd like to make the classic read into a movie.

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