
The co-founder of Twitter plays with his son for an hour every morning—here's why

Biz Stone, on Squawk Box
David Orrell | CNBC

For parents, mornings can be a particularly chaotic and stressful part of the day, but Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has developed a morning routine that works for him and his family. That's according to Benjamin Spall, author of "My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired."

Stone's example shows that it is possible for working parents to develop a consistent and healthy morning routine that helps both parents and kids start the day off right, says Spall. "It's not as easy for parents as it is for non-parents — that would just be false — but it is possible," Spall tells CNBC Make It. "You can still have a morning routine as a parent of young kids."

In his book, Stone tells Spall in detail about his morning routine and that playing with his son is the most important part of his day. "I've been playing with my son upon waking up since he was born," says Stone. "My routine has changed very little since he came along."

These days, Stone's five-year-old son Jake wakes him up between 6:30 and 7 AM. "I don't use an alarm because my son is an alarm," he says. Together, the two then do something creative, which helps them both mentally prepare for their days.

"Our go-to for a couple of years has been Legos," he says. "However, he recently discovered Minecraft for iPad. We can play that together over our local area network, so it's just me and him in the game."

After at least an hour of playing, Stone gets dressed and helps his son as well. In order to make this process more efficient, he uses a practice popular among industry leaders like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs — he wears the same thing every day. His "uniform" of jeans, a black T-shirt and blue Converse helps Stone save time that he can instead spend with his family.

Once they're both dressed, he and his son sit down for a meal as a family. "My wife often makes us a simple, light breakfast — sometimes oatmeal, fruit or toast with avocado," says Stone. Then he drops Jake off at school on his way to work.

This routine, explains Stone, is the highlight of his day. "If I don't get a chance to play with my son in the morning, I feel like I missed something that I'll never get back," he says. "It's such a joy to wake up and be in the mindset of a five-year-old before transitioning into the role of 'executive.'"

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