Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia

Brian Chesky & Joe Gebbia CNBC Next 25
Benjamin Wachenje

Brian Chesky

Title: Co-founder and CEO, Airbnb

Born: August 29, 1981, Niskayuna, New York

Education: BFA in industrial design, Rhode Island School of Design

Early Marker: Scrotie, oddball unofficial mascot he designed for RISD's hockey team.

Big Idea: Co-founded Airbnb in 2008, a website where people can list properties for rent or choose lodging; it now includes 33,000 cities in 192 countries.

Wave of the Future: Share economy

Joe Gebbia

Title: Co-founder and chief product officer, Airbnb

Born: August 21, 1981, Atlanta

Education: BFA in industrial and graphic design, Rhode Island School of Design

Early Marker: CritBuns, a form-fitting, portable foam seat cushion to end the discomfort of sitting on hard surfaces.

Big Idea: Improving the quality of interactions between service providers and customers, relying on the emerging discipline of service design.

Wave of the Future: Share economy

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