Mad Money

Profit Makes Strange Bedfellows

RRSat Global Communications is in such the sweet spot for satellite distribution that even Al-Jazeera chooses to do business with the Israeli company.

RRSat owns a worldwide network of teleports that uplink content to satellites. The demand for RRST’s services stems from its ability to beam that content to every major populace globally in one satellite hop instead of many, something locations in the U.S. and Western Europe can’t boast. The more satellite hops, the more it costs the content provider. So RRST can provide much-needed savings for a company like Al-Jazeera, which doesn’t have the money or scale to produce and distribute its programming.

The bottom line, though, is that this is a small $300 million market cap stock. It should be approached with caution. Cramer recommends using limit orders and waiting a week to buy. Over the long term, Cramer doesn't think RRST shouldn’t be affected too much by the U.S. economy, but that doesn’t mean the stock won’t trade Tuesday based on the Fed decision. Be sure to keep that in mind.

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