Fast Money

Monday - Friday, 5:00 - 6:00 PM ET

Fast Money

See What People Are Saying On Sept. 27th

Oil and gas prices are absurd. They are not based on any reality. “Oh my, there MIGHT be a storm in the Gulf of Mexico, let’s bid up prices.”  Who paid $83/barrel for oil and how much did they sell it for? Who is absorbing the losses? As Spock would say, “Most illogical.”

-- Gene B, FL

It is very interesting that the equilibrium between oil supply and demand, which has been relatively stable for 100+ years, has suddenly become out-of-balance over the past 6 years....Keep in mind that the average price of gas was $1.47 when Bush/Cheney took office in January 2001.  

-- F. Burns from Illinois

Every night I come home from the gym – beat traffic to get home, showered, and ready to watch Fast Money!  The next morning I start my day with the Web Extra.  I want a Fast Money Web Extra hat!  I haven’t laughed this hard (in the morning) in a long time!  Your team rocks!

-- Keith A.

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