After Appearing on the Donny Deutsch Show, Ryan Blair's advice to all those reaching out

By Ryan Blair

From my appearance last week I received hundreds of emails.  Here’s a notable one from LSU Hall of Fame Coach Dale Brown. 

“Dear Ryan:

Watched you again on Big Idea and your story really touched my heart. What a beacon light you are to those that feel down and out. I really admire you for your unbelievable climb to the top. Your sincerity came over very well on the show.

Warmest personal regards,”

-Dale Brown

Receiving this email was an honor.  Here’s a man who has achieved so much (one of the most winning coaches in NCAA history & Shaq’s Mentor) and a true leader reaching out to give me an email high-five.

From the emails I’ve received I can see that The Big Idea draws two very destinct audiances.  People like Dale Brown who are very successful mentors and role models and people looking for help to become successful. 

So here’s a quick 12 Step Program (my advice) to all the entrepeneures looking to hit it out of the park:

1. Work your butt off.

2. Be persistent and don’t give up, ever.  Whether hope is gone or you think you’re going to die, don’t give up.

3. “When faced with defeat, rise to your feet.” – Dr. Dre

4. Keep angling.  Find your angle and don’t be afraid to doubt yourself.

5. Sacrifice.  What are you willing to give to live like a rock star entrepreneur?

6. Embrace the moment.  It only gets better from this point forward.

7. Shake off your mistakes; try not to repeat them, more than once twice.

8. Bank your lessons.  When you see a problem creeping back a second time, put the fire out before it gets out of control.

9. Be grateful.  Most people don’t even know what the they want to do.

10. Remember that you are not safe.  Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. –Will Rogers

11. Do what you love and make it fun; if it’s not fun you’ll either quit or die unhappy.

12. Live every day like it’s your last.  The greatest excuse to live like a rock star.

12.5 Go big or go home!

Keep your emails coming and if I don’t reply, refer to Step 2.
