Funny Business with Jane Wells

Jerry Seinfeld's "Assassin" Talk And Gennifer Flowers Cashing In

Jerry Seinfeld isn't laughing at the moment. He and his wife are asking that a lawsuit alleging what he calls "vegetable plagiarism" be thrown out of court. Last year, cookbook author Missy Chase Lapine wrote "The Sneaky Chef: Simple Strategies for Hiding Healthy Foods in Kids' Favorite Meals."

A few months later, Harper Collins published Jessica's Seinfeld's "Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Getting Your Kids Eating Good Food." Lapine is accusing Seinfeld of stealing her ideas, even some of the artwork for the cover (you can see the two covers in the images here).

And you thought making your kids eat carrots was nasty. Lapine also says Jerry Seinfeld slandered her on "Letterman" last October when he basically called her a nut-job. He suggested she had the potential to become an assassin because she has three names--Missy Chase Lapine--like Mark David Chapman or Lee Harvey Oswald. Seinfeld's attorneys was a joke. Well, it was kind of funny. Certainly funnier than "Bee Movie." You can see for yourself--the relevant part is about five and a half minutes into the video:


Gennifer flowers

Remember Gennifer Flowers? The former Arkansas state employee, cabaret singer, and TV reporter who claimed she and Bill Clinton had an affair for 12 years and had audio tapes to prove it? Flowers is now living in Las Vegas, where she describes herself as a "charismatic actress, comedienne and singer." You may have heard she was flabbergasted recently to find a voicemail message from the former President urging her to vote for his wife. It was one of those mass call things.

KA-CHING! Flowers now plans to exploit the situation one more time.

PR rep Bruce Merrin says Flowers is looking to SELL the original taped phone conversations between her and Clinton to a collector. "The Clinton/Flowers tapes are a national treasure in American history featuring a sitting U.S. President having an intimate conversation with his mistress," says Merrin. Except the affair happened before he was President, though he may have been sitting. But a NATIONAL TREASURE?

But wait! There's more! Merrin says Flowers is mulling an offer to publish a second book--her first, "Passion and Betrayal," came out in 1995. Merrin says the new book "will contain explosive story additions to the Clinton affair and will contain a special item which must remain a protected secret until the book is published." (Emphasis mine.) Anyone want to suggest what this "special item" might be?

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