Fast Money

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Fast Money

See What People Are Saying About... More Gov't Stimulus Checks

The US economy grew modestly in the second quarter as government stimulus payments helped consumers spend more, but the nation's employment picture continued to worsen.

Gross Domestic Product or GDP grew at a 1.9 percent annual rate, up from a revised 0.9 percent rate in the first quarter that previously was reported as 1 percent.

Separately, the Labor Department reported a sharp jump in the number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless benefits—up 44,000 though officials said some special factors were involved.

Nonetheless, the prospect of rising unemployment was likely to fan new calls for additional stimulus to keep the jobless rolls from swelling in a slowly growing economy.

However, President Bush's chief economic adviser, Ed Lazear, told CNBC that he didn't see any need for more government action

That leads to our Fast Money Reader Poll. Do you think the government should do more to stimulate the economy?

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