What's up with your handshake: Voice - Tone, Melody and Control

By Mark Jeffries
Author, What's Up With Your Handshake?

The more senior or apparently successful someone becomes, the more this self-belief applies. Now, there is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of self-confidence but occasionally, like a

finely tuned piece of machinery, you need to conduct a self-diagnostic, an honest “self-audit”.

I want you to be the best you can be.With this in mind I would like to draw attention to one of the items that people often entirely overlook when evaluating their performance – their voice. Your voice has many components: volume, projection, diction, pace and tone.

Your voice is your single most important instrument in conveying your message. If your words are great but your delivery of them is poor, or worse, annoying in some way, then people aren’t going to want to listen to you for very long.


Think of the last time you were in a restaurant or on a plane or anywhere else that people may gather in a confined space. I’ll wager that you could hear one or two voices above everyone else’s. I was recently dining with a client at a smart place in Chicago and on the table next to us were three business sorts having a dinner meeting. Fine. Nothing wrong with that. Except that I could clearly hear one of them over the others. I heard about