Europe News

Pros Say: Stimulus Plan is 20% Baggage

Global stocks spent another day in the red Thursday as investors questioned whether the $789 billion US stimulus package will restart the economy.

Stocks fell earlier in the week after the market greeted Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's new bank bailout plan with disappointment.

Experts give CNBC their views on how the long-running financial crisis can be resolved.

US Stimulus Plan is 80% Ideal & 20% Baggage

The US stimulus package is 80% ideal and 20% baggage, says Robert Aliber, Professor Emeritus of International Economics & Finance at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

How Best to Solve the US Banking Crisis

Getting the private sector to take the toxic assets off the balance sheets of the troubled U.S. banks is the best thing to do, according to Jan Friederich, senior economist at Economist Intelligence.

Insolvent Banks Must Be Allowed to Fail

The US needs to sweep its financial house clean says Tim Mulholland, MD of China-America Capital Company. He tells CNBC that insolvent banks must be allowed to fail.

"Deliberate" Lack of Details in US Bank Plan

There seems to be a deliberate lack of details with the US bank rescue plan, says Paul Donovan, Senior International Economist at UBS.

US Bank Plan Had "Nothing for Everyone"

The US bank rescue had nothing for everyone, which led to the equity market selloff, notes Ray Attrill, global head of research at Forecast Australia.

Quantative Easing Seen

The Fed will likely engage in quantitative easing, says Tim Mulholland, managing director, China-America Capital Company.

China Will Be First Out of the Slump

China will be first to recovery from the global economic slumps, predicts Alastair Newton, MD and senior political analyst at Nomura International. He tells CNBC why he is so bullish on China.

US Stocks Not in Freefall

US stocks may be experiencing high volatility, but there is not a convincing move to the downside, Dodge Dorland, CIO of Landor Capital Management, told CNBC. Nick Parsons from nabCapital Markets joined the discussion.

Give Bailouts Time to Work

The economic stimulus packages from the US government will only be effective with time, Dodge Dorland, CIO of Landor Capital Management, told CNBC.