Mad Money

Write Your Own Cramer Captions

Cramer is known for his big mouth. That’s no secret.

Whether it’s Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner or the CEOs of major companies like Citigroup , Bank of America , JPMorgan Chase , Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs , the Mad Money host always makes his opinion known.

But what if you could put words in Cramer’s mouth? What would you say? We wanted to offer viewers the chance to do just that, so we created a slide show full of stellar Mad Money moments that are just begging for color.

Click through, submit your captions and we’ll post the best on this page. Check back on April 13 for those.









Cramer's charitable trust owns Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase.

Questions for Cramer?

Questions, comments, suggestions for the Mad Money website?