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Swine Flu Travel Fears: What Vacationers Should Know

Like the airline industry wasn’t having enough problems before the swine flu fears set in.

First it was soaring fuel costs. Then a global travel downturn. Now worldwide fears over the H1N1 virus, né swine flu, have put pressure on the ailing airlines to improvise even as no health organization or government has formally announced travel restrictions or recommendations against flying, despite what Vice President Biden may think.

The Centers for Disease Control has issued a travel advisory for Mexico, however, advising Americans to postpone any non-essential travel to that country.

But if you’ve got a trip planned for Mexico already booked, all hope is not lost. Most domestic carriers have adjusted their rules to allow you to change or cancel the trip without paying the normal fees, says New York Times travel columnist Michelle Higgins. Additionally, some hotels are being flexible and allowing guests to postpone their stays or giving full refunds instead.