Sports Biz with Darren Rovell

Favre's Choice Hurts Ticket Speculators

Brett Favre

The odds of Brett Favre becoming the next Minnesota Vikings quarterback were so good that sales of Vikings tickets on StubHub were up 95 percent in July, the largest increase of any team.

"The Vikings typically have one of the most affordable ticket prices on StubHub in the entire league, just $81 in 2008," said StubHub spokesman Sean Pate. "That had spiked dramatically to $145 with all the Favre speculation."

Pate says anyone who grabbed tickets will now see its value on the secondary market drop down to its usual value.

"Prices are already dropping," Pate said.

That's for every game except the Packers game. Pate says this is because it's already a heated rivalry and it's also a Monday Night game.

"Minneapolis is traditionally a deal seeking town, so if you sold some Vikings tickets earlier this summer on StubHub, you most likely got quite a premium for them," Pate said. "The Vikings had a playoff season last year and we still saw their prices go for some of the lowest in the league."

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