Winterizing Your Portfolio

Editor's Intro: Tough Sledding Or Easy Skating?

If 2008-2009 was the winter of our discontent, will 2009-2010 be a winter wonderland for investors? Given events of the past two years, we all have cause for being skeptical about the investment horizon, especially after a massive, six-month rally in equities and lingering concerns about corporate profits and the economy.

Wall Street
Jaap Steinvoorte

Fall forward, spring back. It's been a market saw for decades. October, despite its scary moments (2008 and 2009, not excepted), has often been the launching pad for a four-five month advance in that gives investors a warm fuzzy, feeling in the winter.

But seasonal patterns, never mind market physics, seem to have suffered from something resembling climate change for much of the past decade. Ten years ago, we were worrying about Y2K, now it's Y My 401(k).

So, it's back to the real economy. Will recovery roll into expansion or will recovery fold into reversal? At this point in the cycle, more than a few investors can't undertake suspension of belief that despite unimpressive indicators, we're on our way.

There's also the sagging dollar, the swelling , the credit enigma, the real estate riddle, the speculator's fun house known as and the inflation wild card.

  • Need To Know:

Given all that, it's still hard to see the players on the field through all the spectators on the sidelines. Is it time to emphasize offense or stick with the prevent defense.

Mixed metaphors, perhaps, but that may be fitting in a environment of mixed signals.

Winterizing Your Portfolio - A CNBC Special Report

With that in mind, we offer up our special report: Winterizing Your Portfolio. You'll find a number of investment scenarios, options and strategies.

You'll learn, for instance, how to stop worrying about the dollar and profit from it, which commodities are hot and cold and whether tech is the ticket in a global economy where people and corporations are spending their money wisely.

So, before you get out your hat, gloves, scarf and heavy coat, get into our special report.

Analysis & Advice:
