U.S. News

Is Your Boss a Witch or the Grim Reaper?


If you think your boss is a monster—or a nasty witch—you’re not alone.

Job Web site CareerBuilder.com surveyed 4,000 workers for their Halloween survey and found that 18 percent of workers described their workplace as scary and 7 percent said their boss was the scariest part of their job.

When asked to describe which Halloween characters their boss most resembled, 11 percent said he was most like the Wolf Man—fine one minute, howling the next.

Others found their boss to be more like the Invisible Man, cause he’s no where to be found in the office.

Six percent said their boss resembled Dracula, not because of the blood sucking fangs, but because he sucks the life out of his employees.

But it’s not all bad, the majority of workers (20 percent) said their boss was most like Glenda the Good Witch, because she’s liked and respected by all. And just 5 percent said their boss was more like the Wicked Witch of the West, because they're always sending out their minions to do the dirty work.

So we’re asking CNBC.com readers, how would you describe your boss?