There Must Be A Pony In Here Somewhere

Microsoft Store Employees Bust Out the Electric Cringe

Microsoft’s crack cringe team is at it again: A video making the rounds online shows employees at a Microsoft store in Mission Viejo, Calif., busting out a lame versionof the electric slide set to the Black-Eyed Peas’ “I Gotta Feeling.”

The camera pans to the customers, who either aren't paying attention or look like they wish the employees would stop dancing and get their little Windows-colored T-shirts behind the register.

Microsoft wouldn't confirm that it had anything to do with this latest YouTube cringefest but it’s a little hard to disown it when the video description veers from the Black-Eyed Peas and how the store employees “let their hair down” to “This is an amazing store” and people “are in the store for hours, they love interacting with the software…”

Oh, and the fact that someone happened to be in the store with a video camera when the whole thing “spontaneously” erupted.

The blogosphere has been merciless:

Engadget says, “Why is it that whenever Microsoft tries to have a little ‘fun’ it comes across as creepy or overly controlled?

And ZDNet likens it to that time David Brent (Ricky Gervais) busts an awkward move on  “The Office.”

But after that Bill Gates-Jerry Seinfeld commercial, the unfestive "House Party" video and countless other missteps on cool, it makes you wonder if they're really that clueless — or if it's on purpose.

If they can't beat Apple at the cool game, have they just decided to own the cringe space?

Hey, look at the Aflac duck. He made annoying work.

Why not cringe?

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