CNBC Stock Blog

5 Dividend Growth Stocks for Next Week—and Beyond: Strategists

Terence Dolan, CEO of Benjamin & Jerold Brokerage, and Joe Gordon, founder and managing partner at Gordon Asset Management, told CNBC how investors can prepare their portfolios for the week ahead.


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Coca-Cola—“They’ve been in the news this week because of the purchase of the North American bottling operation, and we think it’s a steady dividend grower…and it’s a good inflation hedge long-term,” Gordon told CNBC.

Brookfield Asset Management—“It’s a global dividend growth story,” he said.

“Solid balance sheet, and they’re in real assets—renewable energy, infrastructure and commercial real estate—and we think they’re primed to make a lot of money because of their investment.”

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CSX—“If we do move out into a recovery, the transports are going to be one of the first to take off and to be a significant player in leading the recovery,” said Dolan.

Johnson & Johnson—“Companies with global exposure are appealing to me,” he said of the firm. He added that Proctor & Gamble is in a similar category.

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No immediate information was available for Dolan or Gordon.

