Funny Business with Jane Wells

TiK ToK Parody: An Ode to CNBC

You think you watch a lot of CNBC?

I dare you to match the wonderfully cult-like devotion of Brad Kelly and his friends at Magnum Opus Financialin Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a financial web site.

"We watch about 12 hours a day of CNBC," Kelly tells me.

"We DVR every episode of Strategy Session,Fast Money Halftime,Fast Money, Mad Money, and Options Action. We don't let the trading day start without watching all of those before the day starts."


Clearly, these people know us better than we know ourselves. Kelly and his colleagues proved it with a new music video which spoofs our programming to a parody of Ke$ha's "TiK ToK".

The video took three weeks to make—in between all that watching of CNBC — and, well, you know, working.

Kelly stars as the guy who dreams he's Jim Cramer. During production he dragged in all of his fellow employees, the interns, even his wife. "We were short of people for the 'party' scene," Kelly says, "so we had help from friends at church, and we even roped two of our neighbors into it. After three weeks of shooting, two weeks of editing, my intern broke his arm so I learned iMovie yesterday and I worked on it from 2:30pm to 1:30am...and we released it this morning."

What's so special about Cramer? "Our motivation is the same as Jim's, to entertain and educate. America is FULL of people who are financially illiterate, and it's the mission of our company to 'Educate the World through Financial Literacy'."

But his love goes deeper than that. "I drove my pregnant wife to (see the taping) of Mad Money: The State of Cramerica in March of 2009 even after a car ran us off the road and crashed our car. We rented a car and kept driving all through the night." There's more, but you get the picture. Kelly and his crew really really REALLY love CNBC. We're a buy buy buy!

And for that, thank you, Brad Kelly and friends. There is plenty to criticize about any media outlet, including ours. It's easy to be cynical. Heck, I get cynical myself. It's fun to be reminded that this place can be very, very fun. Sure beats working.

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