
Barack Obama

Campaign Finances

Funds raised (according to Aug. 31 figures, the latest available onopensecrets.org):

Total Raised: $432,197,459

Total Spent: $345,723,446

Cash on Hand: $88,777,412


Personal Background

Born: Aug. 4, 1961, Honolulu

Lives: Chicago

Education: Columbia University, B.A., 1983, Harvard University, J.D., 1991

Career Profile

Current Occupation: President of the United States

CV: director, Developing Communities Project, 1985-1988; civil rights attorney, 1991-1996; lecturer, University of Chicago Law School, 1992-2004; Illinois state senator from Chicago, 1997-2004; U.S. senator from Illinois, 2005-2008

Business Background: He once wrote for a newsletter titled "Business International Money Report," and was named one of Crain's Chicago Business's "40 Under Forty" Chicagoans to watch in 1993. But Obama's view of economic policy is definitely from the bottom up, shaped by his work as a neighborhood development worker and community organizer in Chicago's South side; it was his success in registering underprivileged residents to vote that earned him the notice from Crain's.

The Obama Campaign

Advocates: healthcare reform, stimulus spending; raising taxes on higher incomes; education reform

Website: barackobama.com

Facebook: facebook.com/barackobama

Twitter: @barackobama