Press Releases

Research and Markets: Global 2012 - Global Package - Worldwide Business Databases

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global 2012 - Global Package - Worldwide Business Databases" report to their offering.

Worldwide Package - Global Business Database

Discover Worldwide Companies - Worldwide Business Database

More than 43 Millions worldwide companies in 150 countries

43 Millions Business Records - 150 Countries

Afghanistan - Alaska - Algerien - Andorra - Angola - Anguilla - Argentinien - Armenien - Aruba - Australien - Österreich - Aserbaidschan - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesch - Barbados - Belarus - Belgien - Benin - Bermuda - Bhutan - Bolivien - Brasilien - Brunei - Bulgarien - Burkina Faso - Burundi - Kambodscha - Kamerun - Kanada - Cayman Islands - Tschad - Chile - China - Kolumbien - Kongo - Kroatien - Kuba - Curacao, Niederländische Antillen - Zypern - Tschechien - Dänemark - Djibouti - Dominikanische Republik - Ecuador - Ägypten - El Salvador - Estland - Äthiopien - Fidschi - Finnland - Frankreich - Georgien - Deutschland - Ghana - Griechenland - Grenada - Guadeloupe Französisch - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Hong Kong - Ungarn - Island - Indien - Indonesien - Iran - Irak - Ireland - Italien - Jamaica - Japan - Jordanien - Kasachstan - Kenia - Kuwait - Kirgisistan - Laos - Lettland - Libanon - Liechtenstein - Litauen - Luxemburg - Macau - Mazedonien - Madagaskar - Malaysia - Malediven - Mali - Malta - Martinique Französisch - Mexiko - Moldawien - Monaco - Marokko - Myanmar - Nepal - Niederlande - Neuseeland - Nicaragua - Nigeria - Norwegen - Oman -Pakistan - Palästina - Panama - Papua-Neuguinea - Peru - Philippinen - Polen - Portugal - Puerto Rico - Qatar - Rumänien - Russland - Samoa - Saudi-Arabien - Serbien - Singapur - Sint Maarten (Niederländische) - Slowakei - Slowenien - Südafrika - Südkorea - Spanien - Sri Lanka - Sudan - Suriname - Schweden - Schweiz - Syrien - Taiwan - Tadschikistan - Tansania - Thailand - Trinidad und Tobago - Türkei - UAE Free Zones - Ukraine - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Vereinigtes Königreich - Staaten - Usbekistan - Venezuela - Vietnam - US Virgin Islands - Jemen

Worldwide Business Databases - Samples & Statistics in Excel43,100,000 companies in thousands classifications including contact names, employee size, annual sales, email & homepage, product & services

Unlimited exporting capabilities!

Global Package - Weltweite Unternehmsdatenbanken More than 43 Millions worldwide listed corporate and Individual companies in 150 countries

Discover Worldwide Companies is essentially produced for international exporters, importers, manufacturers, traders and merchants looking to establish contacts with their business counterparts.

Get in touch to find out how we can give you access to the most comprehensive business listings for your business today.

Discover Worldwide Companies is a must for export-oriented enterprises looking for business partners in the booming trading hub of the world.

Faust Information provides one of the most accurate and affordable International Business Databases on the Internet. Target your Business by the Discover Worldwide Business Databases

With more than 43 Million business records, we pride ourselves to have one of the highest quality available in the market with low costs.

Accurate and responsive business mailing lists. Buy online - Download Instantly

For more information visit

Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager.
U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716
Sector: Business

Source: Research and Markets