Predictions 2013

Crippen's Scorecard: 2012


Buffett will still be running Berkshire Hathaway one year from now. A
He's still in charge and shows no signs of even thinking about retirement. This prediction is so easy, I'm using it again this year.

Buffett will bag another 'elephant' in 2012. C
Even with $40 billion in cash, Buffett couldn't find a big acquisition he likes at a price he would be willing to pay. Buffett won't give up, however, so I'm also sticking with this prediction for 2013.

Buffett won't lie low. A
He's been as visible as ever, calling for higher taxes on the rich and doing "Squawk Box" interviews. He even appeared on Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" as part of a media book tour for "Tap Dancing to Work," a collection of Fortune magazine articles about him over the years.