Mad Money

What Cramer Is Hearing About Tesla

Cramer: Kids Say the Darndest Things?
Cramer: Kids Say the Darndest Things?

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During his travels, the Mad Money host is hearing a lot about Tesla. "Twice this weekend I heard parents lament that they wished they had bought Tesla.

Of course, lots of investors wished they'd bought Tesla. Over the past month, shares are up more than 80% due to a much stronger than expected earnings report and data that suggested sales had accelerated in a meaningful way.

With gains like that, unless you're already a shareholder, who isn't experiencing remorse?

What may be noteworthy about these circumstances is that in both cases the commentary came from parents, in turn suggesting young people knew instinctively that Tesla and its electric cars weren't a fad – rather they saw Tesla on the cusp of something big.

"When I asked why, in each case the parents said because their kids knew cars, and because they care about the environment," Cramer explained.

That's could be a powerful combination – those young people are car buyers of tomorrow.

Tesla Motors S Model

Of course, Cramer's observations are strictly incidental – they're hardly as quantifiable as the analysis done on the Street. But they're also not as influenced by the Street's view of the world either.

"Most analysts are in New York City," Cramer reminded. That is, they don't see how quickly electric cars appear to be catching on in other parts of the country.

Cramer cited research done by Anton Wahlman for which confirms the outlook. On top of that, in another one of Cramer's business endeavors, the Mad Money host has found public interest in electric cars has grown more robust, if only incrementally.

"We had our electrician install a charging station at The Debary Inn (in Summit New Jersey) because we've had requests from patrons to do so. Cost us a couple of hundred dollars but we are pretty sure that will be paid back in a short time from customers who demand it."

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Now, make no mistake, this is not a buy recommendation. It's merely an observation. "This isn't about whether I like Tesla or not," Cramer insisted. There are plenty of catalysts in the market that could send shares of Tesla tumbling.

However, as a shrewd investor Cramer is always watching for trends – and he can't help but wonder if the growing interest in Tesla is the start of something worth keeping an eye on.

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