
Kayla Tausche: My first job was at the Atlanta Olympics

Kayla Tausche: They almost arrested me
Kayla Tausche: They almost arrested me

Back in the day, Kayla Tausche says, she had some guns.

A certified lifeguard in Atlanta, Kayla, then 16, had to lift cement cinder blocks from the bottom of a pool to prove she was strong enough to do the job.

Years later, she still thinks she could pull off a rescue or two. (Good to know, especially after you hear how she throws Joe Kernen into the deep end.)

(Read more: Joe Kernen's biggest loss)

In this latest edition of "Unscripted," Kayla, the network's corporate finance and deals reporter, talks about when she wore a different type of corporate suit and recalls how her real first job—the one she didn't pay taxes on—almost got her arrested.

It's true confession time here on "Unscripted."

(Read more: Eamon Javers on secrets, spies and sexy Russians)