
Apple’s tablet competitors

Apple's tablet competitors
Apple's tablet competitors

As prospective tablet buyers await news on updated versions of the iPad and the iPad mini, Microsoft and Nokia are gearing up to go head-to-head with Apple.

Apple is expected to announce a redesigned 9.7-inch iPad as well as a new iPad mini with Retina display, according to Dana Wollman, managing editor of Engadget.

A Windows Surface tablet.
Photographer | CNBC

Microsoft's new Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 tablets will also be released this week, and of the two, Wollman says the Pro version will be the fiercer competitor with the iPad, though it won't be fierce enough to really pose a threat to Apple.

Meanwhile many gadget watchers are likely keeping an eye out for details on Nokia's Lumia 2520 tablet, which Wollman said could be just as well-designed and well-built as the rest of Nokia's hardware.

—By CNBC's Althea Chang.