The Tech Bet

Tesla’s poaching workers from this tech giant

Tesla's poaching workers from this tech giant
Tesla's poaching workers from this tech giant

A new report by Bloomberg shows Tesla has hired more workers from Apple than an other employer, carmakers included. The electric car company has taken in about 150 former Apple employees, from engineers to lawyers.

That's because automotive software will become a much bigger deal in coming years. Automotive software accounts for about 10 percent of a current car's value, Morgan Stanley auto analyst Adam Jonas told Bloomberg.

In the next decade, software will amount for about 60 percent of a car's value, Jonas said.

Read MoreThis is what happens when you put a Tesla in 'Insane Mode'

Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk says Apple tries to poach his employees, as well, enticing them with six-figure signing bonuses and big salary bumps, according to the Bloomberg report.

Check out the full story here.