Art & Culture

Abbott & Costello's heirs sue play for use of 'Who's on First?'

Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First."
Source: YouTube

The heirs of the comedy duo Abbott & Costello are suing the producers of the Broadway hit "Hand to God" for copyright infringement. (Tweet This)

"Hand to God," currently performed eight times a week, has received positive reviews from major publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, as well as several nominations for the 2015 Tony Awards.

The lawsuit, which was filed on Thursday, claims the play features Abbott & Costello's baseball-centered skit "Who's on First?" without permission.

"Who's on First?" is the most famous routine from the duo Abbott & Costello, who were eventually inducted in the Baseball Hall of Fame for the skit.

"The heirs of Abbott & Costello notified the producers and the playwright nearly two months ago and simply were stonewalled, never receiving a meaningful response," their lawyer said in a statement.

"Filing a lawsuit on the eve of the Tony Awards is obviously nothing more than a stunt, and, frankly, we welcome the attention," said Kevin McCollum, the lead producer of "Hand to God," in a statement to CNBC.