Power Lunch

Monday - Friday, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET

Power Lunch

Junior Achievement's Triple Victory

Junior Achievement 2015 Winners
Source: Junior Achievement of New York

Three cheers for Alexandra Bennett, Jaclyn Stroessner, and Patty Competello of Suffolk County, New York. The Kings Park High School seniors joined CNBC's Power Lunch on Tuesday to discuss their Junior Achievement award-winning business idea, "Hello, Let's Go". The leisure tour company hopes to give international students a cultural experience as an "insider" while studying abroad in the U.S.

Their idea offers the opportunities to connect and engage with other students, while exploring the new community around them.

"Hello, Let's Go" was among 5 other finalist team ideas at the JA New York competition, but judges agreed that team had prepared a well thought out plan for a viable business venture. They are also the first all-female team to win first place in the eight-year history of the competition.

All three members of the team each received a cash prize of $2,500, and a trophy for their school.

Junior Achievement of New York recruits, trains, and mobilizes more than 5000 corporate and community volunteers to provide relevant, hands-on experiences that give students knowledge and skills in financial literacy, college and career readiness and entrepreneurship. Today, JA New York delivers nearly 70,000 student experiences per year, free of cost, in more than 200 NYC and Long Island public schools. Visit: http://www.jany.org for more information.