Access: Middle East

Access: Middle East: Art Dubai

Art Dubai: Taking art to the next level
Art Dubai: Taking art to the next level
Art Dubai: World's most global art fair?
Art Dubai: World's most global art fair?
Scouring for gems at RCA Secret Dubai
Scouring for gems at RCA Secret Dubai
Art Dubai: Potential to make money
Art Dubai: Potential to make money
The artwork of Idris Khan
The artwork of Idris Khan
Bonhams: Why to buy Middle Eastern art
Bonhams: Why to buy Middle Eastern art

For this edition of "Access: Middle East," CNBC's Hadley Gamble visits Art Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

Art Dubai is one of the leading international art fairs in the Middle East and this year, over 90 galleries were present.

CNBC caught up with some of the galleries to find out how valuable the event is in their annual calendar, as well as searching out the hidden gems and the controversies that lie behind Art Dubai.