U.S. News

#HelpPete stage a comeback

With only 15 trading days left in 2015, CNBC's "Halftime Report" trader Pete Najarian needs to stage a comeback in our Halftime Portfolio challenge.

Halftime Portfolio: Volatility
Halftime Portfolio: Volatility

The co-founder of optionMONSTER.com is currently in last place in his CNBC Pro trading contest model portfolio. He is also the least active trader in the challenge and has been reluctant to make moves – despite suggestions from Scott Wapner, fellow "Halftime Report" experts, and the production staff.

So, we want you to weigh in! What should Pete do?

Tweet your trade ideas @HalftimeReport using #HelpPete

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It didn't take long for our viewers to start chiming in.

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Keep the trade ideas coming using #HelpPete

By CNBCProducer Bree Kelly. Follow her on Twitter@Bree_Kelly