Food & Beverage

How much would you spend on the meal of a lifetime?

Dan Dalton | Getty Images

What's the most extravagant meal you can think of, and how much would you be willing to pay for it?

On average, Americans are willing to shell out $203 for a once-in-a-lifetime meal at a gourmet restaurant, according to a Michelin-sponsored Harris Poll food survey.

"Perhaps this is the influence of around-the-clock food shows and celebrity chefs, but the fine food movement continues to see an extraordinary growth in popularity," said Cynthia Ochterbeck, Michelin's U.S. editorial director for travel guides in a press release.

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The survey polled over 2,000 U.S. adults, finding that millennials (ages 18-34) were more inclined to spend almost $300 on an expensive meal. Middle-age diners (45-54) were only willing to spend close to $200 for the same meal. The third demographic (65 and up) settled near the $120 mark. Different regions and gender also played a part as the survey found that Westerners and men are much bigger spenders when compared to other regions of the country and women.

The two highest-ranked restaurant choices for splurging were steakhouses and Italian-themed eateries. Mexican, American and Continental were tied for third.