Recipe for restaurant success? Find your voice

Why you can't fake being a good chef
Why you can't fake being a good chef

It's easy to jump on the wagon of a hot new trend. It's hard to be authentic.

But when you are in the restaurant game, being true to yourself is often the difference between success and a slow and steady decline into mediocrity — the kind that nobody remembers, especially after you shutter the business.

This isn't to suggest that good chefs shouldn't be open to new possibilities, but they need to know which ones speak to the heart of their business.

Here, in this video, the hosts of "Restaurant Startup" discuss the importance of finding your voice and avoiding the temptation of the next big thing.

Tune in to "Restaurant Startup," Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CNBC, to watch entrepreneurs compete for the backing of the show's celebrity restaurateurs.