Mad Money

Cramer Remix: Biggest break-up since Ben & Jen

Cramer Remix: Biggest breakup since Ben & Jen
Cramer Remix: Biggest breakup since Ben & Jen

Jim Cramer is always a fan of corporate break-ups as a method for unlocking value. And lately it seems like a lot of companies have joined him in the love of a break-up, as there were 38 spinoffs in 2015 with a parent company taking one of its sub-divisions public as a separate publicly traded company.

Earlier in the month, Goldman Sachs chief US equity strategist David Kostin did a deep dive into a number of the spinoffs. Kostin found that spinoffs tend to outperform both their former parent companies and the S&P 500, especially when the spinoffs traded at a cheaper price to earnings multiple than their former parent, or operate in a different industry.

Hewlett Packard Enterprises was officially separated from the old Hewlett-Packard, now HP Inc last October. After years of underperformance, Hewlett-Packard decided to break up the business to bring out the value. Unfortunately, the spinoff came at the end of last year, which was a pretty terrible time for the market.

"Do not overlook the fact that Meg Whitman [CEO] can do wonderful things here. This is the growth vehicle that was buried within the old Hewlett-Packard and I think it will shine on its own for many years to come," Cramer said.

A Home Depot store in Laguna Hills, California
Scott Mlyn | CNBC

Even when the market is sedentary, Cramer knows there is always something else brewing under the surface.

He was inspired when he looked through the charts of thousands of stocks over the weekend, and discovered six groups in bull market mode that he would buy into — barring any shocking news from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday.

"What I look for are unassailable trends, just fabulous looking charts that are filled with pulchritude … and let you know en masse what is working and what is not after this four-week rally in the stock market," the "Mad Money" host said.

So with a Fed meeting in sight that could cause a sell-off, Cramer recommended for investors to keep utilities, auto repair, steel, medical device, food and home stocks on their radar — and pounce at a market-wide pullback.

Read More Cramer: 6 groups in fabulous bull market mode

Cramer has not recommended tobacco stocks for a while, partially because he is concerned that the rise of electronic cigarettes could impact the industry, and partially because he's just not a fan of smoking.

"A lot of people have been asking about the tobacco plays lately since there has been so much consolidation talk in the industry," the "Mad Money" host said.

As much as the products could stink up a room, the stocks have been proven winners within the vice group. Selling one of the most addictive products out there certainly helps for a business model, Cramer said.

That is why Cramer decided to take a look at the charts of Vector Group, Altria Group, Philip Morris, and Reynolds American to see which ones are worth owning. To gain further insight, he spoke with Suz Smith, a technician, portfolio manager with Strategic Portfolio Solutions, co-founder of and colleague of Cramer's at

Smith found that it may be worth it to circle back to the tobacco stocks at their current levels, with Philip Morris, Altria and Vector Group as the winners. However, she advised to proceed with caution for Reynolds American.

Read More Cramer on tobacco: Stinking up your portfolio?

Another breakup story on Cramer's radar is RR Donnelley & Sons, the world's largest commercial printing company with various other disparate businesses.

Back in August, management realized their non-printing divisions weren't getting enough credit from Wall Street, so they decided to break up the company into three separate entities: a financial communications and data communications company, a multi-channel communications management business and a printing business for magazines and catalogues.

However, the stock is down 10 percent since the spinoffs were announced, which prompted Cramer to circle back to it and speak with the company's CEO Tom Quinlan.

"We were down a little over 2 percent on organic growth in the fourth quarter. When you look at what the economy was going through, I don't think we did bad at all," Quinlan said.

Airline stocks are also just too cheap right now for Cramer. In fact, the valuations of stocks such as American Airlines, United Continental, Southwest and Delta are downright insane.

"The airlines are a buy, plain and simple," the "Mad Money" host said. (Tweet This)

Without new competition and full plane capacity in most places — except Latin America, which has been hurt by the Zika virus — coupled with the strong dollar and strength of the industry, Cramer added that this is absurd.

Read More Cramer: Airlines are a buy, plain & simple

In the Lightning Round, Cramer gave his take on a few caller favorite stocks:

Hertz Global Holdings: "No, that business is too competitive. I don't like it. Plus, longer term I'm getting nervous about that rental group."

NVIDIA Corporation: "NVIDIA is my absolute favorite in the group now. Other than Skyworks Solutions, NVIDIA is just fantastic: gaming, automotive, no! Please, I'd rather have you be a buyer of NVIDIA."

Read MoreLightning Round: This business is too competitive