Halftime Report

Monday - Friday, 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET

Halftime Report

Top Trader Pete Najarian's Next Big Idea

Pete's bullish bet on Starbucks
Pete's bullish bet on Starbucks

Halftime Report expert Pete Najarian is known to many as a nimble trader but today he shared his best new long-term idea – Starbucks.

Pete broke down the three reasons for his bullish view on the company long-term play. First, Pete argues the Asian markets will give the company a boost: "the area could be something that is absolutely unbelievable for them." The second is mobile pay and the work it's doing to speed up its service and customer experience. Lastly, Pete is excited about the company's moves when it comes to merchandise and partnerships. Najarian believes they are making all the right moves to spread their products with their diverse deal with companies such as Costco and Delta.

Pete is long SBUX calls