Business News

CCTV Script 22/03/16

– This is the script of CNBC's news report for China's CCTV on March 22, Tuesday.

Welcome to CNBC Business Daily, I'm Qian Chen.

Apple's boldest move on Monday wasn't any of the products it showed off - it was its pricing.

One of the new products unveiled - the 4-inch iPhone SE - has the lowest starting price of any of its new phones: $399.

Several analysts said a cheaper iPhone could encourage demand in emerging markets against less-expensive rivals from Samsung and Xiaomi.

In addition to the new iPhone, the Cupertino, Calif., company also unveiled a new 9.7-inch iPad Pro starting at $599, and a cheaper price for the Apple Watch, $299

Success isn't guaranteed, and some think the new still iPhone is too expensive for emerging markets, which might be the main driving force to Apple in the next few years.

Take a look at the data here -- shows annual gross revenue and expectations from app stores in different locations.

In 2015, apps generated 22.9 bn dollars from the APAC region, 7.5 bn from EMEA while 10.7 bn from Americas.

Going forward, even though revenues are expected to grow further, but the speed might slow down.

And... the emerging markets in Asia will weight more.

CLN RUN DOWN 03_22_2016

[TIM-track BAJARIN, Creative Strategies, Inc President] "063537 That sets it up for...done this even earlier. 063558 That sets it up for a high standard for the mid market and i think it opens up a larger audience. There's a heated demand for foreign phones anyway and we have seen it quite a while. I don't know, there's anything that i didn't like only in that, it's coming at a time that I think Apple could have done it even earlier."

Analysts view the March announcements as incremental and expect the bigger announcements, particularly the redesigned iPhone 7, will come in the September event.

CNBC's Qian Chen, reporting from Singapore.

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