
Brits abroad torn as Brexit vote looms

British expats debate Brexit vote
British expats debate Brexit vote

After agonizing over the decision, Trisha Lawford has made up her mind.

"It's too risky to leave," the British expat living in Singapore told CNBC over the up coming vote on whether U.K. voters will decide to leave the EU.

Lawford moved from the U.K. and is voting for her home country to remain in the EU through a proxy vote, where her friend will cast the vote on her behalf.

She recently joined a crowd consisting of mostly Brits, for an informal debate over Brexit held in Singapore on behalf of the organisation, Conservatives Abroad.

"This is very much of a head and heart issue," Lawford added. "Emotionally, a lot of people feel they would like to leave Europe and for the U.K. to attain its sovereignty, but when you look at it on a more head basis, you realize the economic and financial impact could be very serious."

Paul Rodgers has lived in Singapore for ten years and has already sent his vote by mail, where he voted for the U.K. to leave. "EU is uneconomical, undemocratic and controlled and run by one particular country," he told CNBC before taking stage as the main speaker for the 'exit' case in the evening's debate.

Christopher Furlong | Getty Images

Critics of the referendum argue an exit could initiate major economic uncertainties.

But for Rodgers, that's mostly an after-thought.

"There's no price on sovereignty," he said. "If you lose financially, it's a price worth paying rather than being controlled by other countries."

Rodgers admitted he thinks volatility in the stock markets could follow an exit, but said he thinks the U.K.'s economy is strong enough to stabilize within a few years.

Many of the millions of British citizens living abroad are able to vote through proxy or by mail, if they've had registered in time.

Lawford noted that despite being far from the U.K., it's became top of mind for most of the fellow Brits she knows.

"You feel slightly disconnected, but everyone living here has an interest in the U.K.," referring to the referendum. "All the people I know of are voting in this election because they want to remain connected with their home country."

It wasn't just Brits who took part in the even'ts debate.

Victor Baffet, a French citizen, who also relocated to Singapore, attended the event to hear other sides and share his opinion with other attendees, telling them the U.K. would be better off leaving the EU.

"I would like France to join after," he said. "It's [EU] stealing democracy away."