The Hacking Economy

Notorious hacker reveals top DNC donor info, political strategy

Democratic Presumptive Nominee for President former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Melina Mara | The Washington Post | Getty Images

Guccifer 2.0 — the hacker who claimed credit for the recent DNC breach — has shared a new batch of documents which reveal personal information about top Democratic party donors, including executives at Oracle and J. Crew, plus Hollywood heavy-hitters including Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and David Geffen, reported The Hill.

The documents include thousands of major donor names, physical addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, and contain memos about political strategies, the upcoming Democratic National Convention and fundraising tactics, according to The Hill's Joe Uchill.

One memo, called "March 26, 2015 — Plans for Recess," seems to be notes from a call with political consultancy firm Democracy Partners. The call addresses political tactics for 2015's April Congressional recess and focuses on five key areas: The Iran nuclear frameworks (announced a week later), immigration, gun violence and partisan stalling of the attorney general nomination, The Hill reported.

The Iran deal is viewed as tenuous by those on the call — the memo notes that "wobbly Democrats want to scratch this thing." Those "wobbly" lawmakers are referred to by name (albeit nicknamed) and are likely Sens. Cory Booker (N.J.), Bob Casey (Penn.), Mark Warner (Virg.), Joe Manchin (W.V.) and Kristen Gillibrand (N.Y.)

Guccifer 2.0 — who claims to be Romanian — has already released opposition research on Trump, a counter strategy for the Republican National Convention and personal information for some 20,000 donors. Experts say the DNC attack bears the hallmarks of two known Russian hacking teams and have speculated that his hack attacks are part of Vladimir Putin's attempt to influence U.S. politics.