
Elon Musk still working on Tesla master plan

Elon Musk is still working on his master plan
Elon Musk is still working on his master plan

Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday that he is still working on the anticipated sequel to Tesla's decade-old "Secret Master Plan".

Tesla-watchers have been speculating about the plan since Musk first teased it on Twitter on July 10.

Elon Tweet

Speculations have ranged from whether Musk will discuss the proposed acquisition of SolarCity, to the company's plans for its Autopilot feature, recently criticized after a fatal accident involving the technology in May, among other issues.

The original plan explained why Tesla was focusing its efforts on building a high-end electric sports car, instead of jumping right into making low-cost models, Musk's rebuttals to environmental arguments against electrics, and some plans on how SolarCity and Tesla might package their products together.