
US spy agency apologizes for ‘classy as always China’ tweet

A tweet posted on the US Defense Intelligence Agency's Twitter account is prolonging tension between China and the United States at the G-20 in China.

According to the Wall Street Journal the tweet, which has subsequently been deleted, reportedly read: "Classy as always China" and offered Twitter users a link through to a New York Times article on the confusion over US president Barack Obama's arrival at the summit.

When Obama touched down in Hangzhou, there was no set of stairs or red carpet, forcing the U.S. president to leave the Air Force One through the back exit.

At the same time Chinese officials refused to allow reporters and photographers beyond a cordon, preventing them from witnessing Obama's arrival.


The original tweet is no longer on the Twitter feed but the latest posting from the spy unit offers an apology.

"Earlier today, a tweet regarding a news article was mistakenly posted from this account & does not represent the views of DIA. We apologize."