Business News

CCTV Script 24/08/16

This is the script of CNBC's news report for China's CCTV on August 24, Wednesday.

Welcome to CNBC Business Daily, I'm Qian Chen.

In a world where yields are tough to find, investors see themselves scrambling for new assets to include in their portfolio.

Prices of commodities, including gold and silver, have been skyrocketing.

However, diamonds haven't been a part of this rally yet, as the precious stone booked a 14% price decline in calendar 2015, and analysts are seeing a further drop of roughly 5% in 2016.

Retail sales of diamonds are slowing globally --

the U.S. market is actually what's helped maintain the overall worldwide growth rate in recent years.

The Chinese and Indian markets, once the strongest engines of growth from 2010 to 2014, have now slowed.

Earlier in June, De Beers described the diamonds industry as being battered by a "perfect storm" of problems ranging from decreased manufacturing profits to lack of liquidity in the markets and the general criticism around the diamond industry.

However, here's still one positive factor, according to analysts.

After Brexit, finance flowing into the diamond industry is now tighter. Leading banks, such as Standard Chartered, are exiting diamond finance.

This will mean a tighter inventory pipeline and the one positive for the market is that De Beers along with some other big diamond names has destocked and will be keen to sell inventory.

Now, investment diamonds may be a different story.

William Lamb, President & CEO at Lucara told CNBC that if you are looking at investing in diamonds, the price point is generally going to be higher than $50,000.

"When we look at investment stones, we generally look at a price point of anywhere between $100,000-$250,000. Those diamonds, because of their rarity, have always appreciated in value so there is a price point in terms of where the investors will start to see the sustainable growth and the store of wealth which is what an investment diameter represents."

CNBC's Qian Chen, reporting from Singapore.

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