
Michael Moore says Trump is a 'human Molotov cocktail' supporters get to throw

Michael Moore: Trump is dangerous for Wall Street
Michael Moore: Trump is dangerous for Wall Street

Michael Moore told CNBC's "Fast Money" on Friday that he has "never wanted to be more wrong" than about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency.

"People are upset. They're angry at the system and they see Trump — not so much that they agree with him — but they see him as the human Molotov cocktail that they get to toss into the system with Brexit and blow it up, send a message," Moore said.

The "Fahrenheit 9/11" director explained that Trump's ideologies don't fall under capitalism, socialism or even democracy.

"His ideology is called Donald J. Trump. He believes in Donald J. Trump. If it's good for him, then it's a good thing. Not good for him, it's a bad thing," Moore said.

Moore said that Trump's success in the race so far comes from his willingness to "say anything to get elected." For example, the director said Trump's threat to slap Ford with tariff for cars manufactured in Mexico is "music to the ears of the working class of Michigan and Wisconsin and Ohio."

Moore, who lives in Michigan, said he's been trying to explain to people in his state that Trump is "conning" them.

"He doesn't really know if he even has the power to do what he says he is going to do to Ford Motor, but I know it sounds good. I know it sounds good when he says 'Apple is going to make those iPhones here," the director said.

Hillary Clinton has similarly railed against the pharmaceutical companies, slamming them for exorbitant prices. But the difference between Clinton's hawkishness on drug pricing reform and Trump's promise to keep jobs in America is that Clinton "doesn't behave like a 12-year-old."

"There is an actual adult inside of her. There's a rational person who's going to weigh things," Moore said.

The director said that if voter turnout is high among women, minorities and young Americans, then Clinton will win. He cautioned, however, that this only happens if people actually go to the polls on Tuesday.

"Don't use the ballot on Tuesday as an anger management exercise," Moore said.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.