
Donald Trump’s neighbor: I would be ‘scared to death’ of having him as our president

I'd be 'scared to death' with Trump as president: Jeff Greene
I'd be 'scared to death' with Trump as president: Jeff Greene

Billionaire real estate mogul Jeff Greene told CNBC on Monday he has grave concerns about a Donald Trump presidency.

Greene told CNBC's Closing Bell, "I live two doors away from Donald Trump in Palm Beach. I know enough about Donald Trump to know that I would be scared to death to see him as our president."

His comments come on the tail end of the campaign trail after many wealthy Americans have already made public their own presidential endorsements, some even speaking at rallies and conventions.

Jeff Greene
Virginia Sherwood | CNBC

Greene said he already voted early for Hillary Clinton, attributing her qualification to her many roles in public service both on her own and alongside her husband.

"Forget whether she did an amazing job or an OK job, she knows every single thing you need to know about being a president of the United States," he said.

However, he acknowledged the complex facets of potential fiscal implications of a Clinton presidency.

"Hillary Clinton could be very, very, very good for a long-term prospect of a struggling economy, but she may not be that great if we actually start doing something intelligent with fiscal policy. She may not be that great for the asset bubbles," Greene noted.

For many voters, the multiple facets of the two candidates' policies have them torn, still weighing their options only hours before polls open on Election Day.

Real estate mogul Don Peebles, chairman and CEO of Peebles Corporation, is among the voters still on the fence.

"If you are satisfied with the direction the country is going, she's the clear choice. If you think the country needs to be changing direction and we need to reform some of our approaches to how we run our country, how we run our economy and how we support businesses, then it's not as easy of a choice," he told "Closing Bell."

Peebles mentioned future fiscal policy uncertainty as one of the issues he is concerned about, especially in terms of the potential future cost of doing business in the United States.

Regardless, "I would not think that happy days are here again if either one of them gets elected tomorrow," he said.