America needs to stop freaking out about things Trump hasn't even done yet

Jack Brewer, The Brewer Group
Scott Mlyn | CNBC
Jack Brewer, The Brewer Group

On a recent Sunday, I was toggling between watching NFL games and political commentary on TV and it hit me: As our country moves forward following the most divisive election in modern history, we should all reflect on our early teachings of basic sportsmanship.

The widespread accusations that all Trump voters are racist and sexist are downright un-American. Respected CNN commentator Van Jones called the election of Donald Trump a "whitelash" (as in a backlash by white voters) following the election. Though I see eye to eye with Van on most issues affecting people in America, I cannot support this allegation. I will be the first to point out, that "some" Trump supporters are, indeed, racist. But blanket allegations don't bring us together, they divide us.

As a father of two bi-racial children, this is not the message in my house. I respect the Trump vote of my middle class college friends and former Obama voters in the Midwest who are experiencing insurance premiums that are skyrocketing. At the same time, I respect the Clinton vote of many of my family members, including my father.

"My faith in God keeps me confident that the Democrat in Trump will help continue to bring him to the center."

It's not OK to bash Trump supporters. Trump and Clinton both chose to run for president and so they signed up for the personal scrutiny that comes with the most powerful job in the world. That's part of being a public figure. But Americans shouldn't think that it's OK to personally bash the supporters of either candidate. This logic is the big reason for our setback — not rhetoric from Donald Trump. I don't believe that anyone who voted for Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton agrees with everything that their candidate represents.

I believe Trump wants all of America to win. Trump has a "just win" mentality. Having played pro football under coaches such as Tom Coughlin, John Harbaugh and Dennis Green, I understand that mentality. I truly believe that Donald Trump wants all Americans to win. I also think that Trump, who was once a registered Democrat, still holds some democratic views. This was apparent during his first week as president-elect.

Protesting and rioting before Trump has even done anything are premature. Trump is not going to put an outright ban on all Muslims. If he does, then I would hope that the majority of Clinton and Trump voters would protest nationwide. But the thought of protesting and rioting before any bill has been proposed is very premature. We need immigration reform, but the definition of reform is not deportation for all for any reason. Let's be realistic here.

Demonstrators hold signs outside Trump Tower during a protest march against President-elect Donald Trump in Manhattan, New York, U.S. November 9, 2016.
Andrew Kelly | Reuters
Demonstrators hold signs outside Trump Tower during a protest march against President-elect Donald Trump in Manhattan, New York, U.S. November 9, 2016.

Trump has also made it clear that he has no plans to touch the federal law in regards to same-sex marriage. And oh yea, his Great Wall around Mexico, just may also include a lot of fencing.

And, if you were worried about health care, you should be pleased to know that President-elect Trump and countless other Republicans agree with some of the core issues of Obamacare, which include protecting pre-existing condition clauses as well as continuing to allow kids to be included in their parents health insurance up to 26 years old.

My faith in God keeps me confident that the Democrat in Trump will help continue to bring him to the center.

Let's not throw around terms like "life-threatening" so lightly. It's difficult for me to understand how voters can perceive America's problems as severe as "life-threatening." Through my travels and work as UN Ambassador for Sport and Peace, I understand "life-threatening." The UN has estimated that over 1 billion people across the world live in extreme poverty, which means not having access to basic needs like food, water and shelter. This also means people living off less than $2 a day. It's not shocking to learn that none of these 1 billion lives within the borders of the United States. Kids are fleeing parts of the Middle East by the thousands and 90 minutes from our borders, 1.4 million hurricane victims are still suffering in Haiti with limited access to clean water and food. Young girls and women in third-world countries are being exploited all over the world, including the U.S. These underserved, voiceless populations really need our protest.

Peaceful protest have been the pillars of our democracy from the beginning. It took years of advocating and heartache for Jackie Robinson to break into "America's pastime," baseball, and even longer lobbying for Art Shell to become the NFL's first African-American head coach. But these protest were a direct response to actual injustices, not a protest of fear of something that has not happened.

Like the great Oprah Winfrey just said, "Let's all take a deep breath."

We should all be respected for our opinions. If my perspective offends anyone, my suggestion would be to pick up your pens and start writing.

Commentary by Jack Brewer, a former NFL safety who played for the Vikings, Giants, Eagles and Cardinals. He is also the founder and CEO of the Brewer Group. He has a master's degree in sports management from the University of Minnesota. He serves as an ambassador for peace and sport for the United States Federation of Middle East Peace at the United Nations. Follow him on Twitter@JackBrewerBSI.

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