Federal Reserve

Yellen: It isn’t our job at the Fed to tell Donald Trump what to tweet

Yellen: I won't offer Trump advice on his own policy
Yellen: I won't offer Trump advice on his own policy

Reporters at Fed Chair Janet Yellen's quarterly news conference Wednesday repeatedly tried to bait her into criticizing President-elect Donald Trump, but she wasn't biting.

Asked numerous times to comment on the incoming commander in chief's plans, Yellen took the diplomatic route.

At one point, a questioner asked what she thought about Trump's frequent use of Twitter to voice his strong opinions, and specifically about the market-moving shots he's taken at individual companies, including Boeing.

"I'm not going to give the incoming president advice about how to conduct himself in policy," she said.

Yellen did go on to make a statement about what she wants the Federal Open Market Committee's role to be going forward.

"I'm a strong believer in the independence of the Fed," she said. "We have been given the independence by Congress to make decisions about monetary policy in pursuit of our dual mandate objectives of maximum employment and inflation. That's what I intend to stay focused on, that's what the committee is focused on."

Wading in a little further, she acknowledged some FOMC members did take into account expectations of increased government spending ahead.

But she stopped short of passing judgment.

"We're operating under a cloud of uncertainty at the moment, and we have to wait and see what changes occur and factor those into our decision-making as we gain more clarity," she said.