
Cramer says Trump is ready to play hardball with China on trade

Cramer: Trump not used to US rolling over and playing dead with China
Cramer: Trump not used to US rolling over and playing dead with China

CNBC's Jim Cramer said on Tuesday said he expects President-elect Donald Trump won't shy away from fighting back against China on trade.

"I think (Trump) is not used to being — to have the country, our country, (rolling) over and playing dead," Cramer said on "Squawk on the Street," adding previous U.S. administrations have been somewhat lax with China.

"You have a new president coming in and all he does is he thinks the currency is important in Mexico and Europe, important in China," he said.

Cramer was responding to comments made by Chinese President Xi Jinping on globalization at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland.

The Chinese president said globalization has powered worldwide growth and stated, "It is true that economic globalization created new problems, but this is no justification to write off economic globalization altogether."

Since his campaign, Trump has vowed to play hardball with China and has said he would name China a currency manipulator. Cramer said Trump's rhetoric is the beginning of the U.S. finally fighting back.

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