
Oscars twist ending was just as unexpected as I watched from home: PwC Chairman

We take responsibility for Oscars mix up: PWC chair
We take responsibility for Oscars mix up: PWC chair

U.K. accountancy firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) accepts full responsibility for its calamitous role in Sunday night's Academy Awards mix-up as the PwC Global Chairman confessed to CNBC he was also watching the drama unfold live from his home.

Actors Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty had been handed the wrong category envelope as they took to the stage to announce the Best Picture Academy Award. PwC later apologized for the "human error" behind the incident which saw Dunaway announce "La La Land" had won best picture, when in fact "Moonlight" had secured the golden statue.

"I was at home actually watching so at that point in time we knew we had a challenge," Bob Moritz, global chairman of PwC, told CNBC at the Mobile World Congress on Wednesday.

PwC has been responsible for ballot-counting at the iconic awards ceremony for 83 years and Moritz was quick to stress that the company accepted full responsibility for the gaff again three days later.

"Our brand is all about trust and integrity and the like so we have got to make sure that we double down on that issue to demonstrate what we are doing each and every day in whatever service offering, working for our customer, working for our investor or working for our government that we're bringing good quality around the world," Moritz added.