Business News

CCTV Script 20/02/17

This is the script of CNBC's news report for China's CCTV on February 20, Monday.

Welcome to CNBC Business Daily.

President Donald Trump took the oath of office one month ago today.

Usually, the first month is supposed to be the honeymoon period for a new president. However, it has been a turbulent month for the U.S. as well as for the rest of the world.

For the past 30 days, President Trump has signed several executive orders, and promises tax reforms as well as another new travel ban order in the coming days.

Some of his achievements include rolling back Obamacare, signing a controversial travel ban which was ruled against by a federal appeals court later, reviving Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines rejected by Obama, and started to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Meanwhile, diplomatically, Trump met the UK PM Theresa May, the Japan PM Shinzo Abe, Isreal's PM Benjamin Netanyahu, etc.

Despite his claims of "incredible progress" in four weeks of presidency, Trump has not received the job approval rating that past presidents enjoyed when starting out as leaders of the free world, according to a poll released by Gallup. In fact, it is historically low - 40%.

At the mean time, the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as well as Andy Pruzder's withdrawal from consideration as Labor Secretary both added chaos to Trump's cabinet.

Now, all eyes are on Trump's tax reform and his new travel ban policy.

On the market front, stock markets have been reacting pretty positively on the Trump Effect, especially the financials.

[KINGSLEY JONES, Jevons Global CIO & Founding Partner] "It's certainly the case that the election of Donald Trump and his well-telegraphed attitude to Dodd Frank repeal all that is giving a boost to financials, no questions about that, also, the mood of tax measures, these phenonmenal tax cuts, which we are supposed to see shortly, that definitely help the financials as well in the US."

However, many are concerned that the White House might face more critics coming from GOP, which may lead to a slowdown in the Trump agenda.

[JEFFREY WRIGHT, Eurasia US Researcher] "We've certainly seen more words from more Republicans about supporting the investigation from the intelligence comittee and Senate. For example, But you have a greater number of Republicans backing efforts to investigate Trump, primarily his connection to Russia, I think you don't have the critical mass it takes to really shape the dynamic in the congress."

But remember, this is only the first month of the Trump presidency. What changes or challenges will be coming up next?

We will have to wait and see.

CNBC's Qian Chen, reporting from Singapore.