Tech Guide

Apple Clips is like Snapchat on training wheels

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Apple Clips, the latest application from Apple, is now available to download.

Apple Clips might be viewed as a take on Snapchat — it's about recording and sharing quick video clips with friends, just like Snapchat — but it's also very different. It doesn't, for example, have a section for Stories, Friends or advertisements. It's simple in its execution: you open the app, hit record, add some emoji, and send it off via text message.

Let's take a quick look at how Apple Clips works and what it's all about.

— By CNBC's Todd Haselton
Posted 6 April 2017

You’ll find Apple Clips in the iTunes App Store. It’s free and you can install it now.

CNBC: Todd Haselton

You’ll be looking right at yourself when you open it. Tap record to get going. Don’t be scared, the water’s warm.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

If you tap the text box at the top of the screen, anything you speak will be translated to text and overlaid on top of your clip.

You can also add all sorts of filters. Apple doesn’t include fun 3D masks or images like Snapchat does, though. Maybe someday.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

You can overlay emoji on your video, but there aren’t a whole bunch to choose from.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

There are even different intros and outro clips. Each one needs to be downloaded, but it only takes a few seconds.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

You can also add all sorts of soundtracks to your clip. Maybe choose something in the “Chill” category if you’re recording some fun at the beach.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

You can see how your video is coming along by hitting play at the bottom of the screen. When you’re done, just tap “Done.”

Todd Haselton | CNBC

All of your finished videos are available at the top of the Clips application. You can choose to open or share them via text message or to various social networks. You can even save video right to your camera roll.

Todd Haselton | CNBC
Todd Haselton | CNBC

That's all there is to it! My guess is Apple's just getting started. It hasn't ever produced a popular social network. (Remember iTunes Ping? Exactly.) This is a pretty darn good start, though.

I hate to say it, especially since it has become a bit of a meme since Facebook copied Snapchat, but Apple Clips could use a "Stories" section. That way you could easily pop in and see stories created by other users, and you could share your clips without ever leaving the app. I'm very curious to see where Apple takes this in the future, but Snapchat shouldn't be shaking in its boots just yet.