
Republicans float a spending deal without border wall funding, NBC reports

Trump's first 100 days: Will we see a govt shutdown?
Trump's first 100 days: Will we see a govt shutdown?

Republicans have floated a government spending deal that does not include money for a wall on the Southern border, moving negotiations on funding the government forward, a congressional aide confirmed to NBC News.

The White House has backed off its push for funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border as part of a bill to keep the government open past April 28, when funding expires. The Trump administration demands had heightened concerns over a possible government shutdown as Democrats and some Republicans appeared reluctant to approve wall funding in a measure to keep the government running.

Some sticking points could still exist, including whether the measure would include funding for Affordable Care Act subsidies, according to NBC.

Read the full story at NBC News.

Watch: Shutdown depends on border wall & health care

Meehan: Government shutdown depends on border wall funding and health care
Meehan: Government shutdown depends on border wall funding and health care