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Snapchat just introduced a way to create custom filters, here's how

Key Points
  • Snapchat now allows you to create custom geofilters
  • Geofilters are overlays that can be placed on top of photos and video clips
  • They are used to reflect your location
Todd Haselton | CNBC

Snapchat introduced a new feature on Wednesday that allows users to create custom filters inside the app that can be used by other folks nearby.

Snapchat's geofilters, as they're known, typically overlay stamps on photos and video snippets with information on your location. The custom feature has previously been available online through Snapchat's website.

Here's an example of a geofilter: one might say Jersey Shore if you're at the beach in New Jersey, for example. Or San Francisco if you're at the Golden Gate Bridge. You select filters after you've recorded a video or snapped a picture and before you send it off to friends.

Previously, you could select your own or any number of sponsored filters, but now you can create your own right in the app. It's a new revenue stream for Snapchat, which might please investors.

Here's how to make your own Snapchat geofilter.

Open Snapchat and tap the ghost icon on the top left of the screen

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Tap the settings icon on the top left of the screen 

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Select "On-Demand Geofilters" from the list 

Todd Haselton | CNBC

You'll see this screen, hit Continue

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Choose an occasion! I selected one called "Summer Vibes"

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Pick the filter you want to use. I dig the beer and hotdog. Add some text and emoji to customize it.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Give it a name

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Set the time when your geofilter should be available. Mine is going to run from 2pm today until 8pm today. You have to buy at least two hours in advance.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Create a fence where people can use your custom geofilter.  Aw darn, caught me by surprise. It's $5.99 for my office area. Thought this was free! The bigger the area, the more you'll spend.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Guess I need to cough up the dough in the name of science.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

That's it! My new custom geofilter will go live at 2pm as scheduled, after a brief Snapchat approval process, when anyone nearby can use it.

I dig the feature, but I was definitely bummed to see that I had to pay for my filter. Also, you'll need to pay more depending on how big of a location you want to make it available for. Trying to include the area around my entire office quickly boosted the price up to $80!

You can see the obvious new revenue stream for Snapchat here, though, and it's fun if folks want to create custom filters for birthday parties, BBQs and more.